Inside Job.

Kurt Sonnenfeld: There were many things, in hindsight, that were disturbing at Ground Zero. It was odd to me that I was dispatched to go to New York even before the second plane hit the South Tower, while the media was still reporting only that a “small plane” had collided with the North Tower — far too small of a catastrophe at that point to involve FEMA . FEMA was mobilized within minutes, whereas it took ten days for it to deploy to New Orleans to respond to Hurricane Katrina, even with abundant advance warning! It was odd to me that all cameras were so fiercely prohibited within the secured perimeter of Ground Zero, that the entire area was declared a crime scene and yet the “evidence” within that crime scene was so rapidly removed and destroyed. And then it was very odd to me when I learned that FEMA and several other federal agencies had already moved into position at their command center at Pier 92 on September 10th, one day before the attacks!
Authority and the public.
The point of this missive is, rather, to tell you of my observations concerning these videos, and the recent mainstream media preoccupation with turning the public against the police and government. I see that bad feeling is being encouraged in a rabid manner. Those of us with sufficient memory to recall the MP Expenses scandal will have another point to consider; how the papers so sensationally presented their evidence that MPs have been scamming money from the treasury. I find it hard to align the fact that the tax money we pay has always been used to fuel horrifically evil invasions of foreign lands with the sudden rage that members of the government are also using our money to buy plastic shit and free food. It just doesn't seem to make sense why people get so angry about a few extra pencils and not about the napalm, minefields and hidden torture. Anyway, before I fly too far off topic. My point is this:
I see that the mass of people are being trained to feel an anger against their leaders. I'd love to believe that the 'truther' movement has just suddenly developed due to better global communication or more obvious pushes by those in control towards their wet dream of absolute global fascist control, but being the cautious coward I tend to be, I'm seeing the chance of something else.
If they want their plan to see frution with this current group of leaders, why would they allow the current movement to exist in this form? It makes very little sense to a former strategy-addict that they would not have at least another hidden plan enclosed in what we are seeing as something positive, yet again. I'm not trying to be some kind of Eli Rook character, or some such devil's advocate, but when we heard that Obama was being presented as The Saviour, could it not have been yet another double-bluff?
My predictions are consistently well off, so I'm not going to try that again.
I have not researched the English Common Law thing because I fail to see why a free-born lifeform in the universe needs even that, sweet and cool as it might be. I trust my own internal knowing, and this is why I'm waiting for a much bigger fake saviour to come to feed off our fertilised hatred of our evil governments.
"No one is so fully enslaved as he who believes he is free," or something like that.
How I know Swindle Flu is a Swindle
School closed amid swine flu fear.
"Scottish Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon said 23 pupils in the boy's class were being treated with tamiflu."
"An Inverclyde Council statement said: "Staff have been working to contact all the parents of primary one children to arrange for them to pick up courses of Tamiflu."
Tamiflu is made by Roche Pharma.
Tamiflu profits soar when there is a Flu scare, which is hyped by the media even though not many people actually die.
For example:
Roche doesn't allow governments to make their own versions of this poisonous drug.
The Roche board of directors go to meetings with, give donations to, and accept gifts from politicians, bankers, media moguls and other business people.
Here is the board of directors:
And here are some examples of this:
Prof. Dr Horst Teltschik is a member of the International Advisory Board of the Council on Foreign Relations, New York.
See that here:
Dr Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer:
Chairman of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group.
See that here:
Dr DeAnne Julius:
Member, Court of Bank of England
Chairman, Royal Institute of International Affairs
See that here:
Now, is it only about money?
The Council On Foreign Relations:
The Royal Institute For International Affairs:
So, please don't allow anyone to give this drug, or any other, to your children. Take it yourself at your own risk.
I haven't found any dirt on Nicola Sturgeon as yet.
Please inform me of any mistakes I may have made.
Best Wishes,
Zenly Banstardous.
David Icke:
The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday
Jane Burgermeister has filed bioterrorism charges with the FBI against Avir Green Hills Biotechnology, based in Austria; Baxter AG, also in Austria; and its parent company Baxter International in Deerfield, Illinois. Guess which company is providing much of the swine flu vaccine for mass inoculation - Baxter International. This is the same Baxter International that sent bird flu virus to European laboratories 'by mistake' earlier this year and it was mixed with a seasonal flu virus to create a much more dangerous strain.
Last year at least 81 people were killed by Baxter International's contaminated blood-thinning product, heparin, which was made in China from, among other things, pig intestines. Isn't pharmaceutical medicine wonderful? The contaminated heparin also seriously injured hundreds of others and it was revealed that the factory of Baxter's Chinese supplier had never been inspected by either American or Chinese public 'protection' agencies.
More than 50 dialysis patients died in 2001 because of faults with Baxter International equipment, and this month Baxter Healthcare Corporation, a subsidiary of Baxter International, reached an out-of-court settlement of two million dollars with the State of Kentucky. Baxter had been caught inflating the cost of intravenous drugs sold to Kentucky Medicaid by as much as 1,300 per cent.
This is clearly a company you can trust and it is now is a major source of the swine flu vaccine that governments across the world want to impose upon entire populations with the most minimal safety checks. The vaccine is being fast-tracked through the regulatory system with safety trials lasting less than a week. The London Times reported:
'Regulators at the European Medicines Agency said the fast-tracked procedure has involved clinical trials of a "mock-up" vaccine similar to the one that will be used for the biggest mass vaccination programme in generations. It will be introduced into the general population while regulators continue to carry out simultaneous clinical trials.'
My emphasis.
The scale and speed of the planned vaccination programme is insane given that the overwhelming majority of those who have contracted the virus have had very mild symptoms. Dr Peter Holden of the Rothschild-controlled British Medical Association said that although swine flu was not causing serious illness they were eager to start a mass vaccination campaign, beginning with 'priority groups'. Ugh?? This is not about public health and never was.
Ten things you're not supposed to know about the swine flu vaccine

Ten things you're not supposed to know about the swine flu vaccine
(At least, not by anyone in authority...)
#1 - The vaccine production was "rushed" and the vaccine has never been tested on humans. Do you like to play guinea pig for Big Pharma? If so, line up for your swine flu vaccine this fall...
#2 - Swine flu vaccines contain dangerous adjuvants that cause an inflammatory response in the body. This is why they are suspected of causing autism and other neurological disorders.
#3 - The swine flu vaccine could actually increase your risk of death from swine flu by altering (or suppressing) your immune system response. There is zero evidence that even seasonal flu shots offer any meaningful protection for people who take the jabs. Vaccines are the snake oil of modern medicine.
#4 - Doctors still don't know why the 1976 swine flu vaccines paralyzed so many people. And that means they really have no clue whether the upcoming vaccine might cause the same devastating side effects. (And they're not testing it, either...)
#5 - Even if the swine flu vaccine kills you, the drug companies aren't responsible. The U.S. government has granted drug companies complete immunity against vaccine product liability. Thanks to that blanket immunity, drug companies have no incentive to make safe vaccines, because they only get paid based on quantity, not safety (zero liability).
#6 - No swine flu vaccine works as well as vitamin D to protect you from influenza. That's an inconvenient scientific fact that the U.S. government, the FDA and Big Pharma hope the people never realize.
#7 - Even if the swine flu vaccine actually works, mathematically speaking if everyone else around you gets the vaccine, you don't need one! (Because it can't spread through the population you hang with.) So even if you believe in the vaccine, all you need to do is encourage your friends to go get vaccinated...
#8 - Drug companies are making billions of dollars from the production of swine flu vaccines. That money comes out of your pocket -- even if you don't get the jab -- because it's all paid by the taxpayers.
#9 - When people start dying in larger numbers from the swine flu, rest assured that many of them will be the very people who got the swine flu vaccine. Doctors will explain this away with their typical Big Pharma logic: "The number saved is far greater than the number lost." Of course, the number "saved" is entirely fictional... imaginary... and exists only in their own warped heads.
#10 - The swine flu vaccine centers that will crop up all over the world in the coming months aren't completely useless: They will provide an easy way to identify large groups of really stupid people. (Too bad there isn't some sort of blue dye that we could tag 'em with for future reference...)
State Of Fear

"Has it ever occurred to you how astonishing the culture of Western society really is? Industrialized nations provide their citizens with unprecedented safety, health, and comfort. Average life spans increased fifty percent in the last century. Yet modern people live in abject fear. They are afraid of strangers, of disease, of crime, of the environment. They are afraid of the homes they live in, the food they eat, the technology that surrounds them. They are in a particular panic over things they can’t even see—germs, chemicals, additives, pollutants. They are timid, nervous, fretful, and depressed. And even more amazingly, they are convinced that the environment of the entire planet is being destroyed around them. Remarkable! Like the belief in witchcraft, it’s an extraordinary delusion—a global fantasy worthy of the Middle Ages. Everything is going to hell, and we must all live in fear. Amazing."
Michael Crichton.

Something to think about.
degree in Engineering - specialising in materials and mechanical
design & manufacturing - I even teach materials & mechanical
design at University level)
No, jet fuel cannot melt steel. If it could, foundries would not need to use induction and arc furnaces now, would they?
In 1 atmosphere 101.3 kPa normal air pressure, there is not enough oxygen to reach 1500 degrees to 1650 degrees Celsius, the melting point of iron. When exposed to enough fuel and air for a long period of time, it is possible to get the steel red hot, but not "white hot" on the verge of melting. That is why your barbeque grills, frying pans and cooking pots made of steel do not end up rubbery and guey, like melted glue.
Another interesting fact is that there was NO PANCAKING EFFECT of WTC Twin Tower floors hitting one another, from the top down. In fact, all 3 buildings (WTC 1, 2 and 7) all collapsed at freefall speeds (as if none of the lower supporting floors below displayed any strength, all of a sudden, and in a symmetrical, simultaneous manner, where all columns and supports FAILED at the same time, to create a vertical collapse into the building's footprints... ie. no leaning over on an angle like a felled tree)... Hundreds of thousands of tons of solid concrete all became PULVERISED and converted into fine powder, even after 56 minutes after jet impacts. Scientists have detected the presence of THERMITE in steel samples from the Ground Zero WTC site. Large pools of molten metal were found in the basements, still simmering at over 600 degrees Celsius, several days and several weeks after the collapses of the WTC buildings. (Much hotter than temperatures of steel beams exposed to 250 C flames) Very large 2.0 and 2.1 magnitude earthquakes were measured by seismic monitoring labs in nearby Universities, just before those 3 buildings collapsed, very typical of controlled demolitions. Several news crews, eyewitnesses and firefighters, and even video footage, report or give evidence of multiple explosions: "bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang" occuring just a few moments before the WTC buildings collapsed.
Note that all or most of the jet fuel would have been consumed
almost immediately (in a couple of seconds, during the initial
jet fireball). Typically, the hottest temperatures that steel beams
experience in fires is around 250C to 400C (generally around
250C for cool oxygen starved fires which give off black smoke).
The jet fuel would have all been consumed in the initial explosion
when the plane hit a building, and it doesn't just "hang around",
to burn for 56 minutes. Don't forget that concrete is also fire
proof, and does not explode and convert itself into fine powder,
due to exposure to fire, especially 56 minutes of exposure to
fire. It is the concrete that holds up highrise buildings, not the
steel. Besides, the central steel core skeleton of both twin
towers DISAPPEARED, but should have been left standing
even if the floors all collapsed! They were not damaged by the
jet impacts at the lower levels, so why did all this steel collapse
right down to the ground floors? It doesn't make any sense.
If the pancaking theory of the collapse really did happen, then where are the pancakes? Where are the solid concrete floors which should be stacked one on top of each other? The WTC Twin Towers should appear much shorter, with no gaps between floors, leaving behind several levels of undamaged solid floors! So where did all that concrete go??? It all turned into fine powder which covered almost the entire area. Even if you drop a large boulder made of solid concrete from off the top of one of those twin towers (110 floors up), and let it hit the ground, it will not convert completely into fine powder, especially before even hitting the ground! All the collapse videos show horizontal puffs of demoltion squibbs (horizontal blast clouds) used to pulverise strong concrete supports several floors below the collapsing wave of falling debris, so that the building had no material to support the upper portions... this occured sequentially, all the way down both the South and North WTC towers.
and watch the collapse videos at www.prisonplanet.com
Also, watch the movie "9/11 In Plane Sight" and the video
interview of Professor Steven Jones, nuclear physicist and
explosives expert at BYU University, who discovered thermite
which was used to cut all critical steel beams and the strong
core (skeleton) of the WTC twin towers... watch it at:
Watch all the collapse videos and photos at:
This was definitely a real conspiracy, designed to fool all
people into hating muslims and arabs, to justify the invasion of
Afghanistan and Iraq, and to make war profiteers extremely
wealthy from arms sales, oil theft and reconstruction contracts
handed out to George Bush and Dick Cheney's elite friends.
The "elite" owned mass media is also making big profits from
newspaper and magazine sales, from selling horror stories
from the middle-east. War is great for business! Well done
neo-cons, war profiteers and fear mongers! You have found a
way to get filthy rich from fooling and murdering innocent
civilians, and blaming all this on fictitious extremist Muslim
terrorist organisations, using fake propaganda videos about
Al Qaeda and Bin Laden (who has not yet been caught after
5 years)... oh yea, and by blaming Sadam Hussein for creating
threatening WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction) which have
not yet been found after 4 years into this unnecessary war in
Many of us have been duped and fooled by the lying mass media,
and are being led to our slaughter, to die for the war profiteers...
Even the London bombing and Bali bombings were organized,
not by Al Qaeda and Muslim terrorists, but by rich elites and
war mongers who want people to all be afraid of middle-eastern
people, for the sake of invading more oil rich countries, and
helping Israel become the dominant power in the middle-east.
We are seen as "pawns" to be used to fight wars for the greedy
and the rich war profiteers and fear mongers in power... they
know what they are doing, and they are interested in empire
building and more imperialist invasions and permanent
occupations of oil-rich countries, especially Iran, which will be
attacked soon by Israel, the US and the UK... pre-emptively
attacked based on more lies and fake reasons...
Don't believe all the lies and propaganda on your TV! Remember
that solid concrete cannot be pulverised and converted to fine
powder because it has a tensile yield strength of about 4000 psi,
or between 27 to 42 MPa, so the only thing that can weaken all
the concrete pillars holding up all WTC 1, 2 and 7 buildings, is
explosives and thermite used to slice all the steel beems by
melting, so that all buildings could fall downwards, perfectly, in
free fall time (zero resistance from strong material below).
Also the lease owner of all 3 WTC buildings which collapsed on
September 11, Mr Larry Silverstein, himself admitted to
authorising the "pulling" or controlled demolition of Building 7,
the 47 storey skyscraper building that collapsed 6 hours after
the twin towers fell. Remember that Building 7 was not even
hit by a plane, only suffered 2 small fires, and other buildings,
like WTC 5 and 6 which were closer to the twin towers and
which suffered severe structural damage and larger fires, DID
NOT COLLAPSE! Building 7 hardly suffered any structural
damage, yet it just collapsed at freefall speed 6-7 hours after
the collapse of the twin towers!!! Did you see it on TV?
The owner, Mr Silverstein Said these EXACT WORDS about WTC Building 7, which collapsed into it's own footprint at FREE-FALL SPEEDS several hours after the twin towers collapsed, and remember that Building 7 was not hit by any plane or by any of the twin towers:
"I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they were not sure they would be able to contain the fire; and I said, 'You know, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is PULL IT, and they made that decision to PULL and then we watched the building collapse."
If you don't believe me, hire the movie: "9/11 In Plane Sight"
If you are still NOT convinced, watch the original PBS Documentary "America Rebuilds" (buy or rent it on video).
a demolition operation often takes several days, typically
over a week, to rig a building of that size full of explosives... So
HOW did they manage to rig Building 7 full of explosives within
just 5 or 6 hours after the twin towers collapsed, if the entire
area was covered in fine concrete dust, and WTC building 7 was
still burning in 2 locations? HOW could WTC 7 be "pulled" with
demolition explosives given such short notice, when it takes
over a week to rig a building like this full of explosives at the right
The only answer is: WTC 7 was already pre-planted with
explosives before the jet planes hit WTC 1 and 2 (twin towers).
It comes as no surprise that scientists have found abundant
evidence of thermite on steel samples from Ground Zero, used
to slice steel rapidly so the explosives could blast away the
concrete pillars in a sequential manner, to send all buildings
falling at free-fall (accelerating) speeds.

The Nature of Disinformation
Disinformation is the most potent tool for manipulating mass consciousness. While there is no shortage of innocent misinformation stemming from logical fallacies, wishful thinking, false assumptions, selective evidence, and outright ignorance, the difference is that disinformation intentionally exploits these weaknesses to shape the beliefs and actions of targeted audiences.
Disinformation is especially successful when its core agenda is bundled in the sincere convictions of disseminators who have their own vested interests for believing and defending it. For instance, a cold and calculating intelligence may engineer a disinformation package which is then propagated through a naive individual who finds it so appealing to his ego identity and emotional security that he will do everything to defend it. This allows a small and unseen group of disinformers to work through a vast body of unsuspecting vectors who sincerely believe in what they are doing.
Disinformation also uses selective truths to support false conclusions. Good reasoning may proceed from false premises, fallacious twists of logic are used, or reasoning is discouraged altogether and the conclusion is asked to be taken on emotional appeal or the authority of its purported source. Disinformation has no problem throwing strategic gambits, revealing genuine but convenient truths to make its case if the payoff is bigger than the sacrifice.